Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The New Testament -- What Are You Discovering?

Some of us are reading the New Testament through for the first time; others of us have read it many time. But all of us are likely discovering new things in our reading (or at least old things anew). I have been delighted with the many responses that readers have sent me. If you are having a significant experienc in your reading, why not send me an email telling me about it?

Here are a few of the many expressions I've received:

"I am lovin' it. Of course I love to read but this is somehow different. Here I am always looking for a book to read and I had one under my nose all along."


"Just had to share. I’ve been studying the Pentateuch with John Risse and it has really opened my eyes to Matthew. Matthew is written from the objective for the Jews to understand. Or at least that is what it seems. I am recognizing things from the Pentateuch in Matthew. This really opens my eyes to a deeper understanding for the book of Matthew. Hmmmm."


"[My wife] and I were talking about a few points as we read the New Testament:

1. Jesus experiencing all emotions that many of us experience some of, such things as sadness, compassion, humility, crying, ridicule, etc., etc. as well as all temptations. There are so many examples of His emotions and His great boldness and complete unselfishness.

2. Jesus over and over saying "I tell you the truth." when he spoke to groups of people in teaching them and preaching the Gospel and using parables. I think He wanted their attention to listen to what He was about to say. Maybe you could elaborate on why Jesus said that over and over.

3. Over and over, the New Testament says that people were "amazed" (sometimes it says "astonished") at Jesus' teaching. There are even examples of the Pharisees being "amazed' at Jesus teaching and knowledge. My favorite miracle is the healing of the centurion's servant because the Bible says that Jesus was "amazed" at the centurion's faith. He did not need to touch Jesus or have Jesus come to his home."


"I read in Don’s email about the New Testament challenge and the scripture memorization. We have the first week of the NT readings from his email. Is it possible for someone to email us the rest of the information so we can participate as well? It would just be great to do it and really encouraging to feel like we were participating with our brothers and sisters at NB. Also the sermons on podcast are such a blessing to us. Keep up the good work."
